COVID telemonitoring in the Lombardy region

For the Lombardy Region we have created an end-to-end system of remote surveillance and telemonitoring of Covid patients that helps to reduce the contacts of doctors with high risk subjects (e.g. chronic, immunodepressed…) and to keep safely at home the patient diagnosed with or suspected to be COVID-19.
Stay close to the citizens, avoid being alone and isolated, assist them in continuity. Our solution allows you to monitor in real time the health conditions of people undergoing health surveillance and ensure remote home care of patients who are sick or in quarantine, but also fragile patients.
Every patient must be constantly monitored and receive the services most appropriate to his condition. Mandatory avoid travel and lighten the work of first aid and surgeries already overloaded. Activate surveillance that allows the Region to quickly have clinical and epidemiological information throughout the territory.
“Our solution allows you to monitor in real time the health conditions of people undergoing health surveillance and ensure remote home care of patients who are sick or in quarantine, but also fragile patients.”
The solution combines technological, organizational and logistical aspects.
The heart of the system is the application platform that connects all players (MMG, Specialists, Special Units) and supports the entire telemonitoring process:
taking charge and prescribing the path to the patient
supply of a kit with the instrumentation for monitoring
remote monitoring of the progress of the path and medical-patient integration
withdrawal and sanitization of the monitoring kit.
UMANA MEDICAL monitoring devices provided in the kit are technologically very advanced and easily usable even by elderly and fragile subjects. These special nanomaterial sensors have the appearance of plasters and are biocompatible, detect different parameters and transmit them continuously to the Medical Center. The information is related to Covid-19 and typically defined as chronic (heart failure, diabetes, COPD…).
The operators of the Medical Centre – active 7 days a week, from 8am to 8pm – interface with the medical staff at different levels in the management of the various cases. They support patients who need assistance, via phone or video calls. They monitor the parameters detected by the instrumentation in the kits and, in case of alarm, alert the doctor who is treating the patient or activate a call to 112.
The Technology Centre is responsible for the distribution of Kits and IT support to health professionals and operators.

An end-to-end solution that can handle all aspects of remote care for over 40,000 patients.
A 4-step solution to manage the treatment protocols and the monitoring plan that allows you to obtain real-time information on the patient’s health and be able to quickly take the most appropriate decisions to guarantee the best care. Stay close to the citizens, avoid being alone and isolated, assist them in continuity.