GPI Software

Access Systems

GPI Software

Organisation and management of access to care

NGH (Next-Generation-HIS) is the comprehensive, scalable suite for the management of hospital processes and clinical activities in public and private hospitals:

  • organization of access to care, reception, admission, first aid
  • supporting clinical activities and diagnosis and treatment processes
  • solutions for diagnostic departments, analysis laboratories, radiology, and transfusion centers
  • systems for managing, sharing, and exchanging information and clinical data

A scalable and flexible solution that adopts Data Quality Management systems to rely on certified, appropriate, and complete data at all times.

Thanks to a process-oriented approach and a micro-service architecture, NGH fosters a holistic view of patient health and enables interoperability and connectivity between systems for hospital-territory continuity.

Reservations, admissions and emergencies


The solution is dedicated to the management of the reception process: availability, diaries, bookings, acceptances and collections that guarantees high security standards and interoperability between different regional and departmental systems.


  • The management of a single offer of multilevel specialist services that includes all the services provided by Regions, Health Authorities and Hospitals, private and contracted facilities.
    The system allows to define which diaries and appointments are bookable and from which CUPs.
    In addition to the payment of the Ticket, operators can directly handle reimbursements for agreements and insurance.
  • The Citizen APP – linked to the queue management systems – to book or change appointments, download reports, contact the Public Relations Office. Payments are made via PagoPA or ‘e-commerce’.


It allows the management of patient hospitalisation: admission, discharge and transfers (internal and external).


  • Bed Management: increases efficiency in the management of patients and referral pathologies, especially for chronic patients
  • SDO management integrated with QUANI grouper: reduces the time for drafting the discharge letter


Management of the patient’s pathway from triage code assignment to discharge/re-hospitalisation.
The operator is guided in identifying the problem thanks to a list of symptoms to which triage-related severity codes are associated.
The access history allows the discharge record of previous episodes to be consulted.


  • Integration with MEF platform for INAIL and INPS certification
  • Integration with regional platforms
  • Management of different triage models (Manchester)
  • Configuration of reports for monitoring appropriateness and performance indicators to identify areas for improvement.

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