Arany Kígyó Pharmacy

Arany Kígyó Pharmacy deals with the retail of medicines. They are an excellent reference pharmacy in Hungary, because despite the small-medium size, thanks to the tailor-made solution of RIEDL Phasys, they have managed to increase their turnover. This shows once again that our product is suitable for everyone, both for large hospitals and for neighborhood pharmacies.
“We had been planning to renovate our pharmacy for a long time, so we already had some ideas. The initial plan was only to expand the reception area and to unify the workshop and warehouse with drawers, but then we met GPI which revolutionized our project: with a single product it was able to offer us simplicity, cost-effectiveness and reliability. An offer that could hardly be given up.”
However, it was necessary to overcome the initial suspicions due to the fact that on the local market there were no RIEDL systems whereby to verify the proper functioning and integration with existing SW.
But nevertheless, the technical parameters of RIEDL Phasys, along with its advantages in terms of software and hardware as compared to other automated warehouse sold until then in Hungary, convinced the client to accept.
Bisognava però superare le diffidenze iniziali dovute al fatto che sul mercato locale non erano presenti sistemi RIEDL con cui poter verificare il buon funzionamento e l’integrabilità con i SW esistenti.
Ma ciò nonostante, i parametri tecnici di RIEDL Phasys, insieme ai suoi vantaggi in termini di software e hardware rispetto agli altri robot automatizzati venduti fino ad allora in Ungheria, hanno convinto il cliente ad accettare.
“Thanks to its compact size and the exceptional storage capacity, we were able to guarantee our customers a reception space 13-15% larger than what we could have obtained with drawers, guaranteeing more comfort for the customer “.
The foremost challenge was to respect the assembly and installation times (4-5 days). The plans for the transformation of the entire pharmacy was rather limited: between the closure of the old structure and the opening of the new one, GPI, the implementer and the furniture manufacturer had only two and a half weeks in total. Despite the initial scepticism, everyone completed their work on time and in 4 working days the automated warehouse RIEDL Phasys was assembled and ready for use.
The second challenge was to supply pharmacy software. At the time of installation of the machine there was still no integration available; without this the client could not work. GPI has taken care of the work and made itself available at any time and for any reason, so that integration can be completed as quickly as possible.
“The minor difficulties we encountered during the trial period and the work of the pharmacy software company were resolved without problems and always very quickly, thanks to the Hungarian representation and the support of GPI.”
The barcode reading problems of local drugs were also overcome without problems during the installation phase.

“For us, the robot is the solution itself. Our old pharmacy has been overwhelmed by significantly increasing the number of patients. Day by day, we realized that the limited space prevented us from serving our customers with the right quality and in the suitable time. In fact, it was not rare to see, even with a short queue, that the customer went out without waiting for their turn or just avoided entering the pharmacy.”
“In addition, the work of Hungarian pharmacies is made more difficult given the lack of qualified staff: hence RIEDL Phasys has become an ideal solution for us because as well as facilitating the work of colleagues, our pharmacy has become a more welcoming and functional location and a coveted place to want to work in.”
- Length: 5,168 meters;
- Width: 1,606 meters;
- Height: 2,819 meters;
- 1 multipicking gripper with Camera
- Wider space for patient care;
- Faster service for customers (the net time requirement has decreased by 70%!);
- Higher-level drug safety, which involves monitoring of abandoned stock warranty times, reducing the number of boxes of the current inventory stocks in parallel with the growth of our assortment.
“Therefore, customers who visit our pharmacy can buy medications getting a faster and more precise service and also more comfortably. Moreover, at the end of the working day, our colleagues are fitter both physically and mentally.”
Thanks to RIEDL Phasys automated warehouse, the pharmacy has no longer had to send any customers away due to queues or lack of products: the load is so effective that by 08:00 when they open there are already all the necessary products stored ready to be dispensed (even if the supplier reloads arrives at 06:30 on the same day).
After the restructuring, the daily turnover of pharmacy patients grew by ~ 40%. The pharmacy therefore decided to increase the staff with a qualified colleague. If in previous years, only students or non-specialized staff applied, now in response to our announcement they have received a significant number of applications in just three days and the most qualified one has been selected and has already been part of the pharmacy working team for two months.
“RIELD Phasys automated warehouse of GPI fits perfectly into our location, which makes our pharmacy one of the most modern and refined on a national level.”
If initially it seemed to be a risky investment, now the customer is sure to admit that it was absolutely founded and indispensable. A project of this magnitude is a leap of faith for every pharmacy, but sometimes it is necessary to take risks in order to grow and improve. Before this investment, the client did not see a stable future in the next 5 years and certainly would not have been able to hire new staff to cope with the upcoming retirements. However, they consider it indispensable, in fact: the decreasing staff number would have led to a decreasing income, causing the company to be in a downward spiral, from which it probably would not have been able to recover.
“Our goal for the future is also to serve more customers with maximum drug safety, maximum comfort and less net work time, so that more time remains to answer their health-related questions and to inform them about their medications, as well as to serve the steadily increasing turnover.”
Thanks to the modular system offered by GPI, it is possible to increase the size of the robot and continuously optimize the system of shelves inside the machine, as well as the software that controls the activity of the automated warehouse, perhaps even to build a new output site. The customer is open to new challenges and ready to learn about the developments and possibilities that GPI has to offer, and perhaps to test and install them.
“RIELD Phasys automated warehouse of GPI fits perfectly into our location, which makes our pharmacy one of the most modern and refined on a national level.”