Corona Virus: GPI supports the National Healthcare System
GPI strenghten its activities to support the National Healthcare System tackling the Corona Virus emergency
GPI strenghten its activities to support the National Healthcare System tackling the Corona Virus emergency
Never as in this moment of national emergency of sustained COVID-19 virus spread, GPI is answering the
call of duty. The Group steadily carries out the activities to support the more than 700 healthcare facilities
that partners up with.
Since the very outbreak of the emergency, GPI has been constantly in touch with the healthcare facilities to
help the institutions to manage the increasing necessities. Starting from Regione Lombardia and
progressively involving other areas, we are taking care of our Clients’ requests by activating additional
services to help them manage the emergency.
GPI’s staff and its technological solutions are at the frontline, next to its clients, to provide the most
appropriate responses to tackle the emergency.
A business meeting dedicated to partners and clients from across the Middle East
Growth driven by Blood and Automation
€16 Million Contract Signed