The new regional information system for transfusion medicine in the Puglia Region.

The transfusion system of the Puglia Region serves a population of about 4 million people. The system is structured into:
- Regional Coordination Structure for Transfusion Activities (SRC)
- 22 Transfusion Services
- 3 Biological Validation Centers
- Approximately 120,000 Donors
- Total Donations ~170,000
- SI Donations ~164,000
- Productive Apheresis Procedures ~12,000
- Blood Components Transfused 188,000 to ~48,000 Patients
The System, based on Tesi’s EmoWeb platform, implements a dynamic multi-center architecture that allows managing a database common to all transfusion services, while guaranteeing the maximum operational independence to each of them.
All users who have the credentials can have a global view of each single request entered, while the entry, modification, validation, and signing of the test results are an exclusive prerogative of the users of each specific Transfusion Service, which, however, remains able to parameterize its own workflow in total autonomy, respecting the general organization at the regional network, company, and hospital level.
EmoWeb has a WEBLAB.MDW middleware module that ensures the interfacing and monitoring of all the equipment present in the laboratories. All information, from the registry to the result, is visible after technical and instrumental validation, and after medical validation directly on EmoWeb. Each operation remains tracked and traceable.
Moreover, the System has an integration middleware that guarantees the application cooperation between the various information systems present within the individual Hospital Companies and the Regional Systems.
“optimize the efficiency of the network of Transfusion Centers, share the history of donors and recipients, and offer donors easy consultation of their own reports”
Given the scenario of relative homogeneity in transfusion management, with technological shortcomings, the project arises from the need to unify, improve the Regional Transfusion Information System and coordinate cooperation among the various Hospital Structures.
The project, certainly ambitious and the first truly functional in Italy, was named Emopuglia, with a single regional database for donors and recipients, usable from any station, even mobile, connected to an internet network.
The system, thanks to a user-friendly interface, is easily usable even in touch mode on mobile devices; the layout of the application automatically adapts to the resolution of the device on which it is displayed.
The goal of the project is to optimize the efficiency of the network of Transfusion Centers, share the history of donors and recipients, and offer donors easy consultation of their own reports.
All this while ensuring the highest level of security of all processes and privacy of sensitive information.
Moreover, the very high level of parameterization allows it to adapt, while respecting the substantial uniformity of processes, to the needs of the individual transfusion structure.
EmoWeb‘s modular structure allows maximum flexibility, configurability, and scalability of configurations, from small Transfusion Centers to large Transfusion Services comprising multiple structures (ITS, Transfusion Centers, Blood Banks, Collection Centers, etc.) distributed throughout the territory.
The web architecture of the system allows easy maximization of usability at the hospital and territorial level, in fact, it is directly accessible from any browser without the need to install additional components on the client.
All operations performed are recorded with date, time, operator ID, and details of the operation carried out to ensure complete traceability of processes and data retrievability.
EmoWeb offers a series of tools for action traceability, data traceability, and monitoring of work progress and alarms that allow operators to manage and adequately control the activity.
The history of donors, shared on a regional basis, imported from the previous management system, allows identifying donors suspended for health reasons, but also alerts the selecting doctor about donations proposed before the expected time.
Donors can consult their personal data, print out their analysis reports, and book donations at the chosen transfusion facility.
Donor associations can consult the donor’s personal data, change their address, email, and telephone numbers, make donation bookings, and print the reports of the calls made.
For recipients, it is possible to have an immediate view of the immunohematological card and medical history.
Blood components “given” to other transfusion facilities are instantly loaded electronically into the requesting transfusion facility, keeping track of the entire history of the units, saving time and resources.
The Region can exercise, without intermediaries, its institutional control and planning tasks.
The management and control offices of the Local Health Authorities can quantify the transfusion activity carried out, for the purpose of compiling DRGs, invoicing of the affiliated bodies, etc.
The evolution project for the Puglia Region responds to four fundamental needs:
- The adjustment of the organization of the Puglian Transfusion System to the establishment of Transfusion Workshops for the centralization of blood unit processing
- An APP to communicate more effectively with donors, facilitate access to donation, optimize collection and create a communication channel between the Transfusion System and the Donors to improve the level of trust and loyalty of the donors
- A telemedicine system to improve the care and follow-up of chronic anemic patients
- An Artificial Intelligence system applied to the Big Data generated by the Transfusion System for predictive and epidemiological analysis of the population of donors and patients in therapy.