

A strategic resource for ensuring high standards of quality and long-term development

In an industry characterised by proximity to technology and close customer relationships, people are a strategic resource for ensuring high standards of quality and long-term development.


As at 31 December 2021, the Group had a total of 7,217 employees, both in Italy and abroad (up 18% on 2020), almost entirely employed by Gpi S.p.A. and its Italian subsidiaries (97% of the total).
In Italy, the number of employees as at 31 December 2021 was 7,011, with an average age of around 40 years old (1 year younger than in 2020), plus a further 221 people, mostly apprentices and temporary staff.

All Group personnel are hired under regular employment contracts and, in Italy, they are fully covered by national collective bargaining agreements (CCNL) of varying types, the multiplicity being due to the acquisition and merger transactions that have taken place over the years.

Employees by business area

Employees by age group

Employees by gender

Employees by geographic area

The importance of training for Gpi is also demonstrated by the strengthening of the Team Academy, made necessary to cope with the increasingly demanding management of the Company’s training needs, which grew by 13% in 2021 compared to the previous year: over 43 thousand training hours were provided in Italy, and over 5 thousand hours were provided abroad, for a total of over 48 thousand training hours provided.

Of these, around 27 thousand hours relate to professional training (non-compulsory).
The growth of the company’s workforce has also made it necessary to maintain a constant commitment to training in support of compliance on topics such as safety, which is why in 2021 the hours dedicated to compulsory training for the Italian perimeter numbered more than 15 thousand (+17% compared to 2020).


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